New legislation being brought forward to preserve privately-held records of Ireland’s institutional past - Erin McGreehan

McGreehan welcomes legislation being brought forward to preserve privately-held records of Ireland’s Institutional past

Picture of Erin McGreehan T.D. with a green background. She is wearing a green blazer and white top.

Fianna Fáil Senator Erin McGreehan from Louth has welcomed the forthcoming legislation to safeguard privately-held records of Ireland’s Institutional history.

This legislation has been called for by survivors and former residents, affected persons, their families and advocates, who want to ensure that records which support understanding of their identity and the institutional systems which shaped their life experiences in such significant ways are preserved.

Senator Erin McGreehan said ‘I am pleased to hear that this legislation is being brought forward. Preserving these records is so important to people’s identities and life experiences’.

More information can be found at: – Minister O’Gorman to bring forward legislation to preserve privately-held records relating to Ireland’s institutional past (

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