FF will abolish means test for carer's allowance if returned to government - Erin McGreehan

McGreehan: FF will abolish means test for carer’s allowance if returned to government

Picture of Erin McGreehan T.D. with a green background. She is wearing a green blazer and white top.

Louth General Election Candidate Erin McGreehan has confirmed that Fianna Fáil will abolish the means test for the carer’s allowance if returned to government.

She said: “I have championed Carers in the Seanad and want to continue that work in the Dáil. 

“I meet carers so often and what they do is incredible, the state needs to support them and ensure that they are in a position to continue their work without financial stresses.

“Fianna Fáil recognises the essential and relentless work that carers do. I am proud that we are the party that introduced the Carer’s Allowance and the Half-Rate Carer’s Allowance. 

“We also increased the rates of payment and income disregards, extended Carer’s Benefit to the self-employed and introduced a long-term Carer’s Scheme to help long-term carers access the State Pension. 

“The steps that we have taken have made a difference, but we want to go further. We want to improve how the State values and supports carers.”

McGreehan continued, saying: “If returned to Government Fianna Fáil will allocate a minimum of €600 million to increase the income disregards to qualify for the Carer’s Allowance, with a view to abolishing the means test for this payment over the term of Government. 

“This is a hugely important measure that will make a real difference to carers who play such a vital role.”


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