Louth projects receive €604,000 in Community Climate Action Fund - Erin McGreehan

Louth projects in line for over €600,000 in funding under Community Climate Action Fund – McGreehan

Senator Erin McGreehan standing with Cooley clubman Kevin Smyth outside Cooley Kickhams Clubrooms

Local Fianna Fáil Senator Erin McGreehan has welcomed confirmation that projects across Louth are in line for funding worth €604,000 under the Community Climate Action Fund. 

The €27 million Community Climate Action Fund is provided to Local Authorities to partner with community groups and support initiatives like community gardens, solar energy, EV charging, and community composting.

She said: “I whole-heartedly welcome the funding that has been confirmed for these projects in our county through this landmark climate funding programme.

“An example of some of the projects in line for funding include retrofitting at Kilcurry Community Centre and the upgrading of LED lights at the Foye Centre in Carlingford.

“The funding will significantly help our local communities, particularly with the impacts of climate change.”

For further information reach out to Erin McGreehan.


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