Housing for All, Housing for You - Erin McGreehan

Housing for All, Housing for You

Because of Housing for All:

  • You can buy a local authority affordable purchase home for the first
    time in more than a decade.
  • You can buy a home in a private development with State assistance
    through the First Home Scheme.
  • You can have an instant deposit of up to €30,000 with the Help to
    Buy scheme.
  • You can get a long-term, fixed, state backed mortgage.
  • You can get a direct State grant to refurbish a vacant or derelict
    property up to €70,000.
  • You can get a renters tax credit, worth €500 in 2023 and increased
    to €750 in 2024.
  • You can rent a private home in an Rent Pressure Zone in the
    knowledge your rent can’t increase by any more than 2% each year.
  • You can be eligible for social housing even if you earn up to €40,000
    in some counties.
  • You can avail of new state schemes under a ‘Fresh Start Principle’.

Download the leaflet to learn more

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