€409,056 investment in rural water service projects in Co. Louth - Erin McGreehan

€409,056 investment in rural water service projects in Co. Louth

Minister Darragh OBrien with Erin McGreehan in the Department of Housing

Approval of more than €47 million in funding nationally

256 individual projects benefiting households across rural Ireland

Local Fianna Fáil Senator Erin McGreehan has welcomed the announcement of €409,056 in funding for Co. Louth under the Multi-annual Rural Water Programme.

This comes as the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, has announced funding approval for more than 250 individual projects across the country under a new cycle of the Multi-annual Rural Water Programme, providing capital investment to improve water services in rural areas. This cycle of the Multi-annual Rural Water Programme is to run to 2026.

Earlier this year, the local authorities were invited to work with group water schemes and their representative body, the National Federation of Group Water Schemes, to submit applications for funding for individual capital projects.

The funding being provided and the completion of these projects will enable Group Water Schemes to continue to improve the quality, quantity and reliability of the water services in rural areas. 

Welcoming the investment Senator McGreehan said, “A key objective of the Government is to enhance the wellbeing and quality of life of people living in rural Ireland. Having access to reliable and safe drinking water is critically important to continue to build resilient and sustainable rural communities and economies. The funding allocated today is an example of Government’s ongoing investment and commitment to the future social, environmental and economic development of rural Ireland.

I am very conscious of the need to protect our water sources and ensure the highest standards in water treatment. I also want to ensure that our rural communities have the benefit of high quality infrastructure and water services. I have no doubt that the investment announced today will help improve these water services which will continue to support and encourage people to live and work locally in rural Ireland,” she concluded.

For further information reach out to Erin McGreehan.


Editors Notes

In January, the Minister invited local authorities to work with the Rural Water Sector, in particular with Group Water Schemes, to submit applications for funding for individual capital projects under the Multi-Annual Rural Water Programme 2024–2026 to the Department.. 

All applications received by the Department undergo a two stage evaluation process.

  1. Stage one is an assessment, by the Department, of each application received to verify eligibility under the terms and conditions of the funding programme.
  2. Stage 2 is a critical evaluation of each application and individual proposed project against the objectives of the programme.

A total of 875 applications, across eight funding measures, were referred to an Expert Panel for their assessment and recommendation. Under an independent Chairperson, membership includes representation from Uisce Éireann, the Environmental Protection Agency, independent expertise in the rural water sector and technical expertise from the Department.

Given the large number of applications and the associated work load and in order to allow work begin on projects it was decided to take a phased approach to seeking Ministerial approval of funding.

The Panel have completed their work for five of the eight measures in the programme. They made recommendations to fund 256 individual projects across the country.

The Minister has considered this recommendation and has today approved funding of some €47.1 million to enable these projects to begin and be completed without delay.

The five funding measures are;

  • Measure A1 – Source protection: This measure is aimed at protecting the water source of group water schemes – as part of a multi-barrier approach – is an important barrier in the protection of drinking water quality. Approval is given to 77 applications requiring funding of €2.3m. The projects, when completed, will benefit over 40,600 households.
  • Measure A2 – Water quality compliance:  Water treatment provides the most important barrier in the protection of drinking water quality. Improving water quality in existing group water schemes through the upgrading of their treatment facilities is the aim of this measure.  Approval is given to 92 applications requiring funding of €5.5m. The projects will benefit 40,600 households when completed.
  • Measure A3 – Amalgamation or rationalisation: This measure supports the amalgamation or rationalisation of group water schemes through infrastructure upgrading. Funding of €4.0m is approved for 25 applications. The projects will benefit 673 households when completed.
  • Measure A6 – Taking-in-charge of Group Water Schemes: This measure enables the taking-in-charge by Uisce Éireann of group water schemes. 60 applications requiring funding of €34.5m are being approved.The projects when completed will benefit almost 1,700 households.
  • Measure A7 –Community Water Connections: Funding is provided under the measure to expand the coverage of water supplies from the public (Uisce Éireann) network. Two applications requiring funding of almost €800,000 are being approved. The two projects, when completed, will benefit almost 80 households.

Full details of the funding approved per local authority and individual projects are set out in the attached annex:

  • Annex 1 – Projects approved funding under each of the five programme measures projects by local authority.

The Expert Panel is continuing its work evaluating the applications received for funding under the three remaining measures of the Multi-annual Rural Water Programme which aree:

  • Measure A4: Water conservation, leakage reduction and prevention;
  • Measure A5: Extensions to existing private group water schemes and new group water schemes;
  • Measure A9: Innovative demonstration projects

It is expected that the Panel will make further recommendations which the Minister will consider and make funding approval decisions upon.

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