Disability Section of Sinn Féin's Healthcare Plan doesn't add up - Erin McGreehan

Disability Section of Sinn Féin’s Healthcare Plan doesn’t add up – McGreehan

Picture of Erin McGreehan T.D. with a green background. She is wearing a green blazer and white top.

Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Disability in the Seanad, Erin McGreehan, has said the Disability section of Sinn Féin’s Healthcare Plan does not add up.

In the Plan, the party say they would “double the number of Personal Assistance hours over a term of Government, provide an additional 1.5 million disability home care hours, provide over 3,000 additional residential places, deliver on de-congregation commitments, significantly expand day services, and double investment in respite services over the term of government.”

They also say they would allocate €829 million to Disability, including Personal Assistance and Home Support Children’s Disability Services, Respite and Day Services.

However, McGreehan said this doesn’t stack up.

She said: “Sinn Féin’s plan allocates €829 million for Disability, including Personal Assistance and Home Support Children’s Disability Services and Respite and Day Services.

“Their plan also pledges to provide over 3,000 additional residential places.

“However, the average cost of a residential service for one person is over €266,936, according to the HSE and that is not including capital costs. 

“Sinn Féin’s promise to provide over 3,000 additional residential places, at a cost of €266,936, would total over €800 million.

“This means that the party believes it can deliver all of its other disability commitments for €29 million, which simply does not add up considering the scale of the other promises it lays out in the Plan.

“This is, simply, fantasy maths and severely undermines a key area of their Health policy, further demonstrating that the party is simply not fit for government.”

For further information reach out to Erin McGreehan.


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