9 Louth Sports Clubs eligible to apply for EV charging points - Erin McGreehan

9 Louth Sports Clubs eligible to apply for EV charging points – McGreehan

Minister Jack Chambers standing beside Senator Erin McGreehan and Chairman of St Marys GFC, Ardee Mickey Rooney outside St. MAry's GFC Gaelic Grounds

Local Fianna Fáil Senator Erin McGreehan has welcomed the eligibility for nine sports clubs across Louth to apply for EV charging points funding.

Right across the Ireland and Northern Ireland 227 sports clubs are eligible to apply for €15m in funding under the Shared Island Sports Club EV Charging Scheme. The clubs range from Golf clubs to GAA clubs, and have been deemed eligible to apply for the delivery phase of the scheme.

Eligible clubs will be able to draw down funding for the installation of electric vehicle charging, subject to reaching agreement with a Charge Point operator from a pre-approved panel.

Speaking on the funding and what it would mean for clubs across Louth Senator McGreehan said that support for the local clubs in our communities is welcomed, whilst aiding the work towards achieving our sustainability and climate targets.

“I am delighted to hear of nine Louth clubs that are now eligible to apply for €15m in funding under the Shared Island Sports Club EV Charging Scheme. The clubs that are eligible across the county are Drogheda Town FC, St Patricks GFC, Genesis Links Ltd, County Louth Golf Club, Greenore Golf Club, Cooley Kickhams GFC, Ardee St. Mary’s Quay Celtic FC, and Dundalk Golf Club”.

“It will be of great benefit for the people of local communities across Louth to have the opportunity to charge their vehicles whilst attending matches or practice at the selected sporting clubs.”

“This will help drive us forward in our efforts to be more sustainable, and this €15m funding can help that happen in our local communities”.

“These sports clubs contribute a lot to our local community and indeed are at the heart of these communities right across the country. This funding can aid them to be more environmentally friendly.”

For further information reach out to Erin McGreehan.


Notes to the Editor

  • The Government’s Shared Island initiative was launched in October 2020 and engages with all communities and political traditions to build consensus around a shared future and delivering tangible benefits for the island, underpinned by the Good Friday Agreement.
  • The Shared Island Fund was established by the Government in Budget 2021, with €500m in capital funding ring-fenced for investment in North/South projects that deliver cross-border initiatives.
  • The Shared Island Sports Club EV Charging Scheme will receive €15m from the Shared Island Fund for the period 2023-2024.
  • The purpose of this Scheme is to support the roll-out of publicly accessible electrical vehicle charging points at sports club facilities across the island of Ireland and is one of the key actions in the Department of Transport’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy 2022-2025.  
  • The Strategic Objectives of the Shared Island Sports Club EV Charging Scheme are:
    1. To contribute to developing a sustainable and accessible EV charging infrastructure network across the island
    2. To assist the transition to electric vehicle use across the island
    3. To make a positive contribution to local and national climate change actions  
  • The Shared Island Sports Club EV Charging Scheme has been developed in partnership with sports organisations across the island including Sports Ireland and the National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs).
  • The Shared Island Sports Club EV Charging Scheme is an initiative of the Department of Transport and will be managed by ZEVI (Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland).

Please see below listed clubs eligible to apply in Louth

  • Drogheda Town FC
  • St Patricks GFC
  • Genesis Links Ltd
  • County Louth Golf Club
  • Greenore Golf Club
  • Cooley Kickhams GFC
  • Ardee St Marys 
  • Quay Celtic FC
  • Dundalk Golf Club

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