Two successful Louth applicants for Community Biodiversity Grants - McGreehan - Erin McGreehan

Two successful Louth applicants for Community Biodiversity Grants – McGreehan

Image of Omeath Co. Louth - a traditional stone wall and field with sheep with mountains and see in the background.
Local Fianna Fáil Senator Erin McGreehan has congratulated two Louth-based applicants for their successful applications for grants being provided for community plans supported through a partnership between philanthropy and Government.

The two successful applicants are Dromiskin Tidy Towns and Omeath District Development. Dromiskin Tidy Towns will receive €4,000 to go towards implementing the local Community Biodiversity Action Plan, focusing on ‘pollinator pit stops’, a viewing mound, and owl and bat boxes and Omeath District Development will receive €3,300 to go towards the mapping of invasive species in Omeath.

Senator McGreehan said: “I want to congratulate both Dromiskin Tidy Towns and Omeath District Development for their successful applications to these uniquely impactful grants. Through these grants they will be connected with scientific expertise, helping them to better understand their local biodiversity. They will also be able to work with ecologists to create a Community Biodiversity Action Plan and can then seek further funding to implement it.

“Fianna Fáil in government will continue to empower local communities to restore nature at the grassroots level, especially as the National Biodiversity Action Plan continues to take root.

“Active, informed and engaged communities will help us ensure that policy-making for biodiversity is a two way street: top down and bottom up.”


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