970 new homes began construction in Louth in April - Erin McGreehan

970 new homes began construction in Louth in April

Senator Erin McGreehan has welcomed the publication by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage of its monthly data on the number of Commencement Notices (residential construction starts) for April 2024.

The data shows that last month, 18,000 Commencement Notices for new homes were received by the Building Control Authorities. 

970 homes were commenced in Louth, up from 8 in March.

Senator McGreehan said: “The data for housing commencements last month shows the progress Fianna Fail in government is making in tackling the housing crisis.

“In April, building started on approximately 18,000 new homes nationwide. That is unprecedented for any month on record. The data represents in a single month, over half of last year’s total commencements which was in itself a record.

“Here in Louth, building started on 970 homes. 

“The recent continuation of the development levy waiver and Irish Water connection charge rebate shows that we are using every lever at our disposal to tackle housing. 

“The dramatic acceleration of building caused by these measures means so far this year we have 29,000 homes under construction nationwide. That is approximately 340 homes starting on site every single working day this year. It is remarkable evidence that the measures we have taken are bearing fruit and that Fianna Fail’s policy, Housing for All, is working.

“Fianna Fáil’s top priority remains doing everything we can to help people to afford to buy or rent a home. The figures published today show that our plan is working and my focus is on doing whatever I can to keep this positive momentum going.”

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